From the Classroom

Christmas Bird Count


After getting out of school, with the weather getting cold, it can be very tempting for kids to hideout inside. Of course it's lovely soaking up time together during the holiday break, but when you’re ready to get the gang back outside we’ve got a great recommendation. This year is Audubon's 120th Christmas Bird Count, with participation across the US, throughout Canada, and many other countries in the Western Hemisphere. In efforts to encourage children to get involved, Sonoma Birding created the Christmas Bird Count for Kids, which is now in it's 9th year. Community members contribute their time and keen eyes to this massive citizen science bird census. It’s a birding blitz! What is particularly special about this event is the inspiring collective effort of the volunteers. Children and parents, novice and experienced bird watchers, all come together to celebrate and record this majestic migration. 
This is an opportunity to introduce your children to a longstanding annual event, one that may become your family's new holiday tradition!