Casa Grande High

Teachers: Todd Adams
Previous Teachers: John Shribbs, Sten Mander, Katie Tobin
Subject: AP Environmental Science
Grade: 9

Essential Question:  How do land use practices affect water quality and biodiversity in 3 local streams?

Project Summary

This will mostly be a continuation of the watershed research conducted by our AP Environmental class for the past 3 years, but we are going to implement these lessons into our 9th grade Physical Science classes. The watershed curriculum will have two main parts. First, we will conduct an assessment of the overall health of 3 streams in the Petaluma River watershed. This will be accomplished by collecting water quality data (turbidity, specific conductivity, nutrients, and temperature) during and between rainstorms, collecting and analyzing benthic macroinvertebrates (BMIs), and using Google Earth to measure riparian widths. The second part of this lesson students will use stream tables to measure the effects of vegetative cover on erosion and how stream processes affect the distribution of sediment types in the stream channel. We will then compare our results from the stream table models to what we find in our 3 local streams.

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Student Work

The above presentation was shared by Casa Grande High School students at our 2018 Watershed Classroom Student Showcase

This is a presentation by students Vanessa Giorgi, Kiley Cramer, and Camille Lee in Todd Adam's AP Environmental Science Class at Casa Grande High School. It was presented at the 2017 Watershed Classroom Student Showcase. 

This is a presentation by students in Todd Adam's AP Environmental Science Class at Casa Grande High School. It was presented at the 2016 Watershed Classroom Showcase.